Bernd Scholze

Collecting & Research



Bernd Scholze is a collector of the magic lantern for the past 30 years. He has done extensive research on the history of the lantern from the 17th century to the early 20th century. His research is focused on the magic lantern history in the German speaking regions.


Magic Lantern Society of Great Britain

The Magic Lantern Society of the United States and Canada

Freunde des Deutschen Filminstituts & Filmmuseums (Frankfurt am Main)


The Magic Lantern as an Ambassador between Cultures and Religions: Imrich Emanuel Roth and the First Dissolving View Shows in the Ottoman Empire, 1845-1846 in: Scientific instruments between East and West. Leiden: Brill 2019, p. 229-239

The beginnings of the modern toy industry in Germany: Peter Friedrich Catel and the first toy lanterns in:  Magic Lantern 1  (December 2014). Ripon: Magic Lantern Society. p. 1-10

Die Geistermaschine. Ein physikalisches Spielzeug zwischen Schein und Wirklichkeit in: Wunderkammer Waldenburg. Dresden 2023, p. 240-245

Die Laterna magica - ein Kulturgut inkognito? Die wechselvolle Gesichte eines optischen Instruments in: Technisches Kulturgut 2, Dresden & Jena 2024. p. 289-302

"Im Zauber des Lichts" Bilderwelten der Laterna Magica, Exhibition Catalogue Freilichtmuseum Hessenpark. With original texts by Bernd Scholze and Daniela Dietrich.


Freilichtmuseum Hessenpark Neu-Anspach: "Im Zauber des Lichts" Bilderwelten der Laterna magica. 3. März 2024 bis 28. Dezember 2025. 
A cooperation DFF Deutsches Filminstiut I Filmmuseum & Bernd Scholze

Magic Lantern Performances:

Deutsches Filmmuseum, Frankfurt am Main

Optisches Museum, Jena

Universität Cologne  (Theaterwissenschaftliche Sammlung)

Cinematek Brussels, Belgium

Birmingham & Midland Institute, Birmingham UK

FOMU Fotomuseum Antwerp, Belgium

Lichtspiel / Kinemathek, Bern


Symposium of the Scientific Instrument Commission:

2016 Istanbul, Istanbul University "The magic lantern as intercultural ambassador between cultures and regligions: Imrich Emanuel Roth and the first dissolving-view shows in the Ottoman Empire 1845/1846"

2018 Haarlem, Tylers Museum "Talk of the town - a case study of the public experimentalist Peter Joseph Reuter in Braunschweig"

Magic Lantern Society of Great Britain, various talks in London & Birmingham

B-MAGIC Final Conference Antwerp, May 2022