Treasures of pre-cinema history 

The magic lantern


No. 49-52

Lebensgeschichte Jesus I - The story of birth and life of Jesus Christ I

No. 53-56

Lebensgeschichte Jesus II - The story of birth and life of Jesus Christ II

No. 57-60

Kinderwelt I - Child's world I

No. 61-64

Kinderwelt II - Child's world II

No. 65-68

Rotkäppchen I

No. 69-72

Rotkäppchen II

No. 73-76

Urgeschichte I - Prehistory I

No. 77-80

Urgeschichte II - Prehistory II

No. 85-88

Burgen - Castles

No. 89-92

Bayrische Charatere I - Bavarian Characters I

No. 93-96

Bayrische Charatere II - Bavarian Characters II